Original Xbox Case Painted

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Original Xbox Case Painted


Post by Rich_Fireskull »

I did this a couple years ago, but I still have it and it still looks pretty nice.

I didn't sand it or anything, and I swapped the DVD bezel for another one I had that was stock since it looked better than my attempt at the painted one in the image below.

Here is a better view of the top :D My favorite part of this paint job was the Xbox jewel on top. I had to use some 5000 grit sandpaper to get is clear enough after removing the green.

If you're wondering what the black box behind the Xbox is... I made my own component cable for the system a while back as well.

I also painted an S controller to match it :D

I am currently looking for another Xbox to paint and softmod too so there might be another project thread at some point.
Mondays? :think:

My computer builds:
New Build March 2019
Old PC- i7-2600, 24GB 1333Mhz DDR3, RX-470 8GB, GA-Z77x-D3H, 1TB HDD, 2TB HDD, 250GB SSD

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